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2015-09-06 10:49

Simple Demo

下面是一个简单的仅仅是输出Hello world的实例。

  • 创建一个Maven项目,在pom.xml文件中添加以下jar包
        <!-- Java Gearman Service -->


  • Worker:EchoWorker
package org.gearman.examples.echo;

import org.gearman.Gearman;
import org.gearman.GearmanFunction;
import org.gearman.GearmanFunctionCallback;
import org.gearman.GearmanServer;
import org.gearman.GearmanWorker;

 * The echo worker polls jobs from a job server and execute the echo function.
 * The echo worker illustrates how to setup a basic worker
public class EchoWorker implements GearmanFunction {

    /** The echo function name */
    public static final String ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME = "echo";

    /** The host address of the job server */
    public static final String ECHO_HOST = "";

    /** The port number the job server is listening on */
    public static final int ECHO_PORT = 4730;

    public static void main(String... args) {

         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();

         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);

         * Create a gearman worker. The worker poll jobs from the server and
         * executes the corresponding GearmanFunction
        GearmanWorker worker = gearman.createGearmanWorker();

         *  Tell the worker how to perform the echo function
        worker.addFunction(EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, new EchoWorker());

         *  Tell the worker that it may communicate with the this job server

    public byte[] work(String function, byte[] data,
                       GearmanFunctionCallback callback) throws Exception {

         * The work method performs the gearman function. In this case, the echo
         * function simply returns the data it received
        return data;


GearmanWorker的addFunction()方法告诉Server FUNCTION_NAME和对应的Worker。从Client传入的数据会以字节流的形式在Worker的work()方法中得到,并且可以在该方法中进行处理。

  • Client
  • EchoClient:同步的Client
package org.gearman.examples.echo;

import org.gearman.Gearman;
import org.gearman.GearmanClient;
import org.gearman.GearmanJobEvent;
import org.gearman.GearmanJobReturn;
import org.gearman.GearmanServer;

 * The echo client submits an "echo" job to a job server and prints the final
 * result. It's the "Hello World" of the java-geraman-service
 * The echo example illustrates how send a single job and get the result
public class EchoClient {

    public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException {

         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();

         * Create a new gearman client.
         * The client is used to submit requests the job server.
        GearmanClient client = gearman.createGearmanClient();

         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);

         * Tell the client that it may connect to this server when submitting
         * jobs.

         * Submit a job to a job server.
         * Parameter 1: the gearman function name
         * Parameter 2: the data passed to the server and worker
         * The GearmanJobReturn is used to poll the job's result
        GearmanJobReturn jobReturn = client.submitJob(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, ("Hello World").getBytes());

         * Iterate through the job events until we hit the end-of-file
        while (!jobReturn.isEOF()) {

            // Poll the next job event (blocking operation)
            GearmanJobEvent event = jobReturn.poll();

            switch (event.getEventType()) {

                // success
                case GEARMAN_JOB_SUCCESS: // Job completed successfully
                    // print the result
                    System.out.println(new String(event.getData()));

                // failure
                case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_FAIL: // The job submit operation failed
                case GEARMAN_JOB_FAIL: // The job's execution failed
                    System.err.println(event.getEventType() + ": "
                            + new String(event.getData()));


         * Close the gearman service after it's no longer needed. (closes all
         * sub-services, such as the client)
         * It's suggested that you reuse Gearman and GearmanClient instances
         * rather recreating and closing new ones between submissions

同步的Client通过GearmanClient的submitJob(String functionName, byte[] data);方法提交任务,并且可以得到Worker在work()方法中经过处理返回的数据。如果通过将任务提交后台执行的方式,只需采用submitBackgroundJob(String functionName, byte[] data);方法,优点是Client的执行效率会快很多,缺点是不能接收返回值。

  1. EchoClientAsynchronous:异步的Client
package org.gearman.examples.echo;

import org.gearman.Gearman;
import org.gearman.GearmanClient;
import org.gearman.GearmanJobEvent;
import org.gearman.GearmanJobEventCallback;
import org.gearman.GearmanJoin;
import org.gearman.GearmanServer;

 * The echo client submits an "echo" job to a job server and prints the final
 * result. It's the "Hello World" of the java-geraman-service
 * The echo example illustrates how send a single job and get the result
public class EchoClientAsynchronous implements GearmanJobEventCallback<String> {

    public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException {

         * Create a Gearman instance
        final Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();

         * Create a new gearman client.
         * The client is used to submit requests the job server.
        GearmanClient client = gearman.createGearmanClient();

         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object representing
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);

         * Tell the client that it may connect to this server when submitting
         * jobs.

         * Submit a job to a job server. This submit method uses an
         * asynchronous callback object to process the job's result
         * Parameter 1: the gearman function name
         * Parameter 2: the data passed to the server and worker
         * Parameter 3: an attachment returned through the callback
         * Parameter 4: the callback used to process the job events
         * The GearmanJoin object is used to block the current thread
         * until the end-of-file has been reached.
        GearmanJoin<String> join = client.submitJob(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, ("Hello World").getBytes(),
                EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, new EchoClientAsynchronous());

         * Block the current thread until all events have been processed.

         * After the job has been completely processed. We close the service
         * It's suggested that you reuse Gearman and GearmanClient instances
         * rather recreating and closing new ones between submissions

    public void onEvent(String attachment, GearmanJobEvent event) {

         * This method is called by the client when an event is received
        switch (event.getEventType()) {
            case GEARMAN_JOB_SUCCESS: // Job completed successfully
                System.out.println(new String(event.getData()));
            case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_FAIL: // The job submit operation failed
            case GEARMAN_JOB_FAIL: // The job's execution failed
                System.err.println(event.getEventType() + ": "
                        + new String(event.getData()));



  • 运行

  • Worker Start...


[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : Connected
[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : CAN_DO
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : GRAB_JOB
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : IN : NO_JOB
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : PRE_SLEEP


  1. Client Start...


[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : Connected
[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : SUBMIT_JOB
[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : IN : JOB_CREATED
[gearman-1] INFO gearman - [] : IN : WORK_COMPLETE
[main] INFO gearman - [] : Disconnected
Hello World

此时Client已经接收Worker直接返回的Hello World。再回头看看Worker的log,如下

[gearman-3] INFO gearman - [] : Connected
[gearman-3] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : CAN_DO
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : GRAB_JOB
[gearman-5] INFO gearman - [] : IN : NO_JOB
[gearman-5] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : PRE_SLEEP
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : IN : NOOP
[gearman-5] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : GRAB_JOB
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : IN : JOB_ASSIGN
[gearman-3] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : WORK_COMPLETE
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : GRAB_JOB
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : IN : NO_JOB
[gearman-4] INFO gearman - [] : OUT : PRE_SLEEP

